There is no such thing as a standard renovation package because there are simply too many variables.
I’m not trying to hide anything here either because no two jobs are going to be the same for a number of reasons.
For your peace of mind have your work performed by a Registered Master Builder.
We develop the new bathroom to meet your requirements.
Whilst we will not cut corners to quote a cheaper price, we can tell you that we keep our overheads low and do not employ commission sales people.
The renovation job that cost X for the guy down the street is going to be very different from the job you have in mind for us. We will work to ensure you are completely satisfied with every aspect of your job.
Why Experience Is Important…
Bathroom Renovation Solutions handles all kinds of repairs, upgrades and makeovers for bathrooms of all sizes and shapes. Some of the jobs are minor makeovers, whilst others have been major works.
We have been involved in total house restorations.
We receive great satisfaction from completing the job to a high standard.
The thing is, your neighbour’s bathroom renovation is not going to be anything like yours.
Bathrooms are not the same size, one has a shower and a tub where yours may have just room for a walk in shower. Double and single sinks, toilets and fixtures will all be different. Not to mention access under your house to get to the water lines and whatever else we end up doing to make your bathroom the one you have always desired.

Our Personalized Consultation Service
The variables make comparisons difficult to price but what I can tell you is this: we aim to give each of our customers the best price possible on their renovation. I’ll sit down with you and discuss your plans.
With our low overheads we are sure that you will be satisfied with the pricing.
We’ll put together a concept, factor in the changes you want to make, discuss your budget and hammer out the details to your satisfaction. It’s you, our customer, who has to be happy with the complete process and the finished product.
Each job is different and so is the pricing. I warranty everything we do and save you money by keeping my overhead low and by using wholesalers with quality product.
At Warragul Bathroom Renovations we value the work we do, as much as we value the people we do it for.
It’s because of this that we work with you, keep costs down and still provide you with quality and value at a reasonable price.